• Project specific surveys
  • Site & resource documentation
  • Site testing & excavation
  • In-depth archival, ethnographic & historic research
  • Cultural resource sensitivity analysis
  • Confidential Archaeological Addendum
  • Cultural resource management plans
  • Proficiency in various regulations & laws governing cultural resources

NCRM offers a wide range of both analytical and management oriented consulting services for archaeological resources, including: intensive and/or project specific archaeological survey; archaeological site and resource documentation; site testing and excavation; archival, ethnographic and historic research; ownership or property-wide cultural resource sensitivity analysis; artifact illustration, faunal and lithic analysis; obsidian hydration analysis; and cultural resource management plans for small and large tracts of land. We specialize in providing cost-effective fulfillment of state and federal archaeological regulations concerning zoning conversions, timber harvest plans, vineyard development, and real estate subdivisions.